Archive for 2008

Copii, puteti sa-i scrieti lui Mos Nicolae, dar sa-i si desenati ceva in cele 4 cizmulite mici,
ca sa stie mai bine ce sa va aduca.

Build your own scene using all the elements that you find here.

Print, color, cut and glue toghether the characters in a new story .

For the background use your fantasy!
Everyone who will send to me an original sheet, will receive a coloring book
for free from
my colection.

Use the coloring page as a Birthday Greeting Card or
a custom Birthday Party Invitation here!

Children, color the vegetables, cut and mix them in the bowl that you find here!

Color the fruits and the bowl, cut the colored fruits and mix them in the bowl, making a nice fruit salad.
And don't forget to sing:
"Salade de fruits, jolie, jolie, jolie
Tu plais à ton père, Tu plais à ta mère
Salade de fruits, jolie, jolie, jolie
C'est toi le fruit de nos amours !
Bonjour petit!"

More PRINCESS from my ebook FLORAL FASHION you'll find HERE!

Children, what is the difference between the two coloring pages?